
Treatment of Osteoarthritis in Ayurveda

‘Osteoarthritis’ has become a frequent word in current scenarios. It cannot be defined as a single disease, since it compiled a broader spectrum of disease. Osteoarthritis is a major chronic disease of joints, and it will eventually lead to disability. People suffering from these diseases suffer acute pain and discomfort and they become less locomotive. The degeneration of protective cartilage at the end of bones is the source of osteoarthritis. It is the most common kind of arthritis, causing aching on joints of hands, knees, hips, and spine. The cause of Osteoarthritis is also called wear and tear arthritis.

How does arthritis differ from osteoarthritis?. Arthritis is a broad term that refers to the inflammation of joints. Osteoarthritis in particular refers to the inflammation of joints by the breaking and tearing of cartilages. Obesity and aging can be considered as the major risk of the prevalence of the aforementioned disease. Malnutrition, hereditary, and occupationally related workloads also have an impact on disease prevalence. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that not only affects joints but also the tissues surrounding joints. Certain Metabolic diseases, bone deformities, and repeated stress on joints are also identified as the risk of osteoarthritis. Generally, women are affected by osteoarthritis, even its causes are not yet discovered.

The most universally accepted classifications of osteoarthritis are joint space narrowing, osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts. When joint space narrowing occurs, the joints get wide apart by the tearing of cartilages. Because of this the bones come in contact and create pressure on bones with severe pain. Osteophytes refer to the lumps in bones on the spines and joints. subchondral sclerosis is a state of hardening of bones just below the joints. A subchondral cyst is a fluid formation in bones. The classification of osteoarthritis is based on the chronic endurance of pain and discomfort. 

The primary symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain of joints while moving. The second stage of symptom is more noticeable with joint stiffness. Loss of flexibility, grating sensation are also branded as the symptoms. The chronic phase of osteoarthritis exhibits bone spurs and swelling.

Osteoarthritis cure in Ayurveda- CHIKITHSA(Treatment)


Ayurveda is the oldest and traditional treatment method that flourished in India. The legacy of Ayurveda crossed its borders and now European countries follow the same. Ayurveda treatment for osteoarthritis predominantly focuses on Rasayana therapies, which have been popularly used by Ayurvedic physicians since ancient times to boost health and serve immune-inflammatory and degenerative chaos. Ayurvedic treatment of osteoarthritis mainly focuses on the prevention of the disease. This includes the modification of risk factors like obesity, joint damage, and the proper proportion of exercise. Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are also used, but the recovery rate will depend on individual to individual. These drugs stand as a short time benefit for patients. Osteoarthritis ayurvedic treatment comprises diet and lifestyle practices with natural herbs like Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Rose) churna, Eranda Mula (Ricinus communis Linn). These herbs act as lubricants for joints and aids to reduce inflammation and discomfort of joints.

Osteoarthritis in Ayurveda treatment brings forth long term cure for patients. Osteoarthritis cure in Ayurveda acts on two levels. The primary outcome of Ayurvedic osteoarthritis treatment includes analgesic, anti-inflammatory, chondroprotection, soft tissue healing, anti-osteoporosis, immune-modulation, anti-lipogenesis, anabolic effect, and anti-oxidative stress. The secondary outcome of Ayurvedic anti-arthritis drugs improve digestion and metabolism, normalize the gut function, and clear bowel movement.

With highly qualified and experienced doctors and therapists, Sreerudra provides accurate ayurvedic treatment for osteoarthritis. We deliver spotless and effective treatment for long term sustainability.


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