Ayurvedic Treatment For Knee Pain

In the lifespan of a human being, they experience a wide range of physical and emotional pain. Among them, joint pains score higher on the scale. Knee joints are one of the largest among the joints and hold us together by withstanding our weight. The bones of the knee joint are connected to the muscles and ligaments to help keep up the regular movement. Ayurveda Treatment for knee pain provides a holistic approach to the condition with its simple and effective remedies that can relieve joint pain.

A crescent-shaped cartilage tissue, known as menisci, placed between the connected ends of the bones, acts as a cushion between the surface of bones and acts as a shock absorber while the joints are in motion. As it is a crucial joint, any disease or injury affecting it or the surrounding areas of the knee can cause pain. Ayurvedic treatment for joint pain in Kerala starts with understanding the root cause of the condition.

Knee pain ayurvedic treatment in Kerala is conducted as a step-by-step procedure once the ayurvedic practitioner assesses the condition. The initial step is focused on bringing down inflammation in the joints. It is achieved with the help of anti-inflammatory external therapies such as lepanam or Podikizhi along with internal herbal medications that have proven anti-inflammatory properties.

How to cure knee pain naturally?

Dont’s in knee care

Do's In Knee Care

Ayurvedic remedies for knee joint pain

In recent times, we have been facing multiple types of contagious diseases, some of which are life-threatening, such as COVID 19, while others leave the affected with long-term complications and physical discomfort, like chikungunya, which causes acute and prolonged joint pain. Ayurvedic treatment for joint pain after chikungunya combines preventive measures along with treatment for the joints.

Similarly, it is most common among the age group of 50 plus to experience knee pain which gets worse over time.Even with it being a common occurrence, contracting knee pain as your age is not inevitable. For that to be the case, we must understand how to avoid knee pain in old age. Through practicing a holistic lifestyle, one can avoid the body becoming susceptible to health issues that can very well be prevented. By including exercises like walking, yoga or whatever is feasible for our body, we are giving ourselves the chance to build muscles and keep the body from getting injured. Consumption of too much-processed food can cause inflammation which is harmful to the body. Hence it is advised to avoid those.

At Sreerudra, we follow the classic texts of Ayurveda in providing the best ayurvedic knee treatment in Kerala. The treatment plan is conceived based on the understanding that each person and their conditions are unique and needs personalized treatments and attention to detail to achieve the best possible results.

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