Sree Rudra Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital

Ayurveda treatment – To Managing Aggressive Behavior In children with Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder or autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how the patient communicates with and relates to others. The patients with autism face so many challenges including social interactions, non-verbal communication, and repetitive behaviors. Autism is a spectrum condition, that is, the symptoms of autism differ from people to people. Some people are able to hold on to jobs, but some others need lifelong specialist support. Each person with autism has peculiar abilities and different challenges. They possess some characteristics like the love of routine, sensory issues like noise, smells or light, and have special interests. Language comprehension is also difficult for them, and some phrases disorient their thinking.

Asperger’s syndrome is a sort of autism, and people with this problem often pose difficulty in language comprehension and processing of language. Childhood disintegrative disorder and Pervasive developmental disorder are other forms of autism. The exact cause of autism is still being investigated. But in general, the cause for autism is a combination of psychological, genetic, and environmental issues. So autism refers to a condition that could be far away from social interaction in communication leaving them isolated or alone.

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian medical practice that deals with the holistic approach to the maintenance of physical and mental health. Ayurveda comes under the group of the whole medical system, including complementary and alternative medicines. Ayurvedic strategies for autism, include internal administration of herbal medicine, external therapeutic procedures such as massages, etc. Detoxification procedures and well-regulated diets are also covered. All these are done in a customized manner depending on the physical and mental constitution, age, and severity of the person. Ayurveda doesn’t generalize because, they consider each patient as unique.

Ayurveda is a nonlinear science. They consider autism as a nonlinear problem of biological channels or shrotas. Medicine and treatment of autism are unique in all perspectives.  They mainly follow a format named, AGASTYA. It consists of Ayurveda drugs, Gut therapy, Ayurveda standards of living, training of parents, and yogic assistance. Ayurvedic treatments are baby-friendly and reduce hyperactivity and temper tantrums. They consider all the autistic problems under two categories, namely Prana and Udana. Ayurveda gives importance to metabolic activities. For that, they imply ‘Dadhu’ or Ayurvedic drugs. It enhances detoxification, correction of metabolism, and brain corrections. Once the body is detoxicated there form a defective unhealthy product, Aama. This also will be removed from the body. 

By the proper usage of herbal medicines, massages, and diet management, autistic patients can become functional to a greater extent. People often rely on Ayurveda. Unlike the western medical system, Ayurveda is less toxic and the number of steroids is considerably low.  Other than physiotherapy, Ayurveda offers a wide range of remedies that promote cognitive and physical functions of the patients. They consistently try to guide people about the importance of natural herbs. The constituents of ayurvedic drugs include turmeric, tree turmeric (Daruharidra), Triphala, some of the Dasamoola ingredients, some cooling herbs such as sandalwood, lilies, and jasmine. It includes some panchakarma techniques like Vasti with Dhanavantaram Mizhagu Paku and Takra Dara. Depending on the symptoms and dreadfulness of patients, Ayurveda can offer unique and minute treatment. 

Sreerudra can offer a high expertise doctor panel, to make your world into a newer version. With zero side effects and less steroidal impact, we provide a stainless experience of treatment with a precise and unique treatment strategy.

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