Peptic Alcer

Peptic Ulcer – An Ayurvedic Perspective (Stomach Ulcer)

The stomach has a thick mucous membrane that lines it which protects the stomach from all the digestive juices. The stomach lining is thick as it is constantly in touch with the harsh acidic digestive juices. If due to any reason the mucous membrane becomes thin making the tissues/cells which line the stomach be exposed to these acidic juices, it will lead to gastric/peptic ulcers over time. When the cell becomes damaged due to being exposed to the acidic digestive juice, it may even lead to a change in the characteristic of the cell to being a cancer cell as well eventually, if not taken proper care of. Hence bodily indications such as frequent acidic attacks, persistent discomfort after smoking, having a spicy meal, alcohol, overeating, or even consumption of tea or coffee which ends up leaving the person twitching in pain, might all be an indication of having stomach ulcers. At Sreerudra, our expert panel of doctors helps analyze symptoms and advise an appropriate preventive ayurvedic treatment for cancer in Alappuzha. 

As per Ayurvedic principles, ulcers are called ‘Annadravshool’ and can be classified as Vata and Pitta types. B Vata type of ulcer is usually a result of the protective mucous membrane becoming thinner. A thin layer of the membrane indicates a lesser or no protection to the delicate stomach lining from the acidic juices that are acidic. A person of Vata nature tends to disregard having meals on time even while disregarding the sensation of hunger. The body goes through the cycle of producing digestive juices once the sensation of hunger arises, to help digest the food. When a meal is skipped, the stomach ends up being in a state of having no food to digest for the already produced digestive juices. With a thin and dry mucous membrane, the stomach becomes vulnerable to ulcers. 

For an individual of Pitta nature, intense emotions can invigorate the solar plexus giving them an excitable feeling. According to Ayurveda, it aggravates Pitta dosha resulting in an excess amount of acidic juices being produced by the liver, stomach, and pancreas. This usually happens for individuals with a low digestive fire / Agni, hyperacidity, or even a tensed state of mind that causes blood flow to the digestive organs to be affected. Kapha is not usually a major factor when it comes to ulcers unless it invokes Vata or Pitta. 

Ayurvedic treatment for Stomach Ulcers is devised after identifying its constitution. For Vata type ulcers, the patient is always advised to maintain a healthy eating habit and no to skip any meals. Having proper meals at a regular time avoids acidic build-up inside the stomach which affects the lining. Another key factor that aggravates the Vata type ulcer is the lack of staying hydrated which makes the stomach lining dry and thin. It is advised to sip hot water at regular intervals as well as including bone broth in the diet to help the stomach lining stay hydrated. Ayurveda also advises a diet rich in naturally sweet and mushy food like oatmeal and tapioca that can help to build the mucous layer in the stomach. 

Sreerudra Ayurveda is one of the best ayurvedic hospitals in Alappuzha that can help you with diagnosis and alternate treatment plans for gastrointestinal conditions. Ayurvedic herbs have proven effective in treating stomach ulcers. These herbs are not just used for treating the condition but to manage and prevent the recurrence as well. A few herbs and their uses are described as follows:

  • Liquorice (Yashtimadhu)

Among the herbs that are known to have hydrating properties, liquorice roots are the most important ones. It helps heal the digestive tract as well as prevent ulcers from having a relapse.

  • Gooseberry (Aamla)

Aamla has a soothing effect on heartburn. Studies have proved that Amla is a good source of Anti-ulcer factors making it effective in treating ulcers.

  • Rose flowers (Gulab)

Rose flowers have been used as medicine for gastric ulcers owing to their healing and soothing effect on stomach ulcers and resultant irritations.

  • Giloy (Heart-leaved moonseed)

Gioly is a herb that is known for its property to increase the production of mucin which lines the organs so as to protect them from the excessive digestive juice which is acidic in nature.

  • Coconut

Coconut is known for its antibacterial properties. It helps eliminate the bacteria causing stomach ulcers. 

Gastric ulcer treatment in Ayurveda is about finding the type of dosha imbalance to identify the type of ulcer an individual is dealing with. Upon finding that, appropriate healing, management, and remedial measures are undertaken under the strict guidance of our experienced hands at Sreerudra Ayurveda.

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