Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

The spinal cord and nerves pass through vertebrae which protect and support them. 26 of such vertebrae make up the spine. The spinal discs are a staunch spindle that is elastic in nature which is present in each of the spine joint segments. These discs are what provide a wide range of motion for the neck as well as the lower back. Over time, due to the various stresses the lower back and neck are put through, as well as ageing, the discs tend to lose their pliancy, which may result in painful and possibly impairing symptoms that may result in limited mobility. While allopathic treatments for spinal disorders are mostly surgical procedures, Ayurvedic treatment for spinal problems relies on restoring the imbalanced doshas to treat spinal disorders.

Who are more susceptible?


Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical spondylosis is a disease which affects inter vertebral discs of cervical vertebrae. For understanding the pathology, cervical spine anatomy should be understood. Cervical spine contain 7 vertebrae. A spongy gel like substance is situated between two vertebrae called intervertebral disc(IV Disc)which provide a cushioning effect .Cervical nerves are emerging out from pathways corresponding to spine. In Ayurvedic Treatment for cervical spondylosis, these IV discs and vertebrae are affected in different manner.

Causes can be summarized as below



Radiological image techniques like X-ray, MRI or CT of cervical spines will give an exact impression about the underlying pathology.
Blood tests for reactive diseases, hormonal imbalance, auto-immune disorders are also helpful.


Usuallyanalgesics are used to reduce pain. NSAIDs are also used to ayurvedic treat cervical spondylosis.

Non medicinal managements include

If condition not improving with all these measures surgical interventions may be needed.

Ayurvedic aspects of cervical spondylosis

All the degenerative conditions are classified in Ayurveda under Vata disease. Different diseases described in Charak Samhita, Susrutha Samhita and Ashtanga Hridaya like Viswachi, Manyasthambha, and Greevagraha, etc have one more symptom similar to Cervical spondylosis.


Ayurveda categorizes Manyasthambha among 80 diseases caused by vatha. Ayurveda opines vatha dosha will be predominant during old age. Aggravation of vatha results in the degeneration of body tissues. In Ayurvedic treatment for Cervical Spondylosis, Vatha along with kapha stiffens neck (manya) causing pain and disabilities. Due to roughness of vata, vertebrae become dry and rough results in the degeneration of discs and vertebrae causing pain. Kapha causes stiffness and disabilities.


A wide range of medicines is available in Ayurveda to manage vatha diseases. They will pacify vatha and reduce inflammation and pain. When kapha alleviated, stiffness will be reduced. The application of medicinal pastes(lepa) will be highly beneficial to reduce inflammations. Medicated ghee is given to regain the unctuousness.


Aches and pain management is one of the strongest positives of Ayurveda. Aim of treatment to restore bone strength and rehydrate them. But just applying some oils will not give you any benefits. Proper medicines with panchakarma therapies associated with yoga and lifestyle management will be beneficial to a great extent.

Guggulu(Commiphora mukul)

This is a well-known drug in Ayurveda which reduces inflammation, it also possesses anti-arthritic properties. Ayurvedic formulations like Gugguluthiktakam Kashayam, Yograja Guggulu,Trayodasanga Guggulu, Kaisore Guggulu, etc are commonly used in the ayurvedic treatment of cervical spondylosis.

Other formulations used for cervical spondylosis are

Rasnasaptakam Kashayam

Ashtavargam Kashayam

Prasarinyadi kashayam

Dashamoola Rasnadi kashayam

Dhanadanayanadi kashayam

Aswagandha choornam




Prasarinyadi thailam

Karpasasthyadi thailam

Prabhanjanam kuzhambu


Nasya is the best choice to treat diseases of the upper part of the body. Nasya simultaneously controls both vatha and kapha.

Nasya stimulates the brain through an olfactory pathway, structures of the Limbic system including Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Hippocampus, Amygdala, and parts of the Basal ganglia which are concentration areas for neuropeptides called nodal points. Nasya can stimulate areas like Amygdala in the Limbic system, thus activating the neuropeptide pathway which helps to reduce pain.

Nasya with a nourishing drug can induce some nourishment to tissues by impregnating Kapha and reduce degeneration thus reduce stiffness.

Treatment Modalities

Yoga and diet

Simple techniques like moving neck to the front, back and sidewise, rotating shoulders in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions may help to reduce neck pain.

Yoagasanas like bhujangasana, matsyasana, etc can be practiced with the help of a yoga trainer.
Diet includes light food with proper nutrition. Milk is good for bone health. Ghee helps for avoiding degeneration. Leafy vegetables to keep away from constipation and indigestion.
Meat soup and fish for muscular tone and maintaining bony density.

Ayurveda provides complete care for cervical spondylosis. It prevents the degeneration of bones, also reverses the dehydration of IV discs. Repairing the damaged soft tissues and bone-strengthening reverse the pathology involved. A combination of traditional ayurvedic panchakarma treatments with Kerala special treatments like elakizhi, uzhichil,pizhichil, etc offers a multidimensional benefit to patients suffering from cervical spondylosis.

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