


Ayurveda explained in detailed about what are the regeme a person should follow in summer season to prevent disease and overcome excess heat.UTTARAYANAM (3 consecutive seasons of sisira _ extreme winter, vasantha _ spring and grishma (summer).It is the period when sun is seen traversing to north of equator, which takes away human strength day by day . Due to excess heat body become tired and immunity power reduced. so we should give special attention to protect our body. production of digestive enzyme is reduced during summer season by this appetite is reduced. Food with less calorie is ideal.

Foods which are of sweet taste , light, unctuous cooling property and in liquid form are preferred these helps for easy digestion and correcting metabolism.

Avoid foods which are spicy, salt, pungent, heavy, sour, chicken, prawns, because it is very difficult to digest. These food item makes the stomach upset and reducing digestive fire which in turn causing haemarrhoids, gastritis like disease.


leads to dehydration, while sweating sodium and potassium is reduced and fatigue occurs. To prevent this drink enough water. cold infusions prepared from grapes , Indian gooseberry, madhuka (Indian tropical tree), usheeram (vetiveria zizanioidas ramacham) santalum album can be used.

PANCHARAPANAKAM is an indicated softdrink prepared with honey, dates, grapes, ceylon date palm

Drakshadi panakam

Shadanga panakam

Drugs which reduces pitha dosha like guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) sariba, usheeram etc can use as paanakam.Water boiled with laja mixed with sugar helps to increase coolness.

AVOID STRAINOUS EXERCISE otherwise fluid content in the body reduced.

INTAKE OF LESS WATER during summer season leads to UTI and other bacterial infections.

AVOID THE USE OF ALCOHOL because it increases fatigue and thrist.

DAYSLEEP is indicated in summer season to reduce excessive tiredness

BATH helps to reduce heat and through this can control skin disorders.

prefer cotton clothes for wearing.

Most common disorder during summer season are:

  • sunburn
  • acne
  • excessive sweating
  • dehydration
  • skin allergy
  • urinary tract infections
  • haemorrhoids
  • chickenpox
  • dust allergy
  • conjunctivitis
  • regimen



  • Wash with triphala kashayam is indicated.
  • Pulp of aloevera helps to reduce excessive hot in eyes.
  • scrub the face with the help of curd helps remove dust from the face.


  • Both in water boiled with santalum album ( chandanam) vetiveria zizanioidas, Ramacham, Naalpaamaradhi choornam can be used .


  • water boiled with eladichoornam with thriphla , neem are used.
  • shathadouthaghritham can apply in conditions like sunburn.
  • water boiled with neem used for bathing helps to reduce itching and skin allergies due to excess hot.
  • Use of butter milk, chinchapanakam, tender coconut water, are good.

Apart from this therapies like Sarvatha Dhara, Sirodhara with cold Ka shayad ,,Milk,Dhanya mla etc and Abhiyanta with Ghulam like Linda thyla,Pancham la tha etc. ..Under the guidance and supervision of a registered medical practitioner and a light cleansing by the end of the Summer can ward of the il effects of the excess heat and boost your immune level to keep you healthy and vibrant throughout the year

Happy Summer…. Enjoy it…

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