Ayurveda Hospital in Kerala, Sree Rudra Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital

Ayurveda for spine and stroke

The Spine (back bone) is a cluster of bones which plays a substantial role in keeping the internal organs of the human body. It extends from the base of the skull to the pelvis. It acts as the protective shield for the spinal cord. The spine also functions as a support system to the body weight. It is with these flexible bones we are able to stand upright. The spinal cord is a part of the central nervous system which supplies and receives nerve signals. Human vertebral column is composed of thirty-three vertebrae sectioned to five different regions namely cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacrum and coccyx. There are also different ligaments at the front, back and in between the vertebrae.

Back pain and its causes

Back pain is a health issue faced by everyone at some point in life. The frequency and intensity of back pain among the younger generation is increasing due to the lengthy working hours and work related travels. Because of the lack of movement during their work time and the incorrect sitting posture, the spinal issues are worsening. Lifting heavy weights can also lead to muscle or ligament strains. Another major cause for back pain is the rupturing or bulging of the disk which compresses the nerve. Arthritis, skeletal irregularities, cervical spondylosis, degenerative disk disorder and osteoporosis are the other common causes for back pain.

Relieving through Ayurveda

Ayurveda is well famous for its spinal treatments. Most people rely on Ayurveda for spine related issues which have had miraculous results in completely curing the back pain. At the beginning, the doctors do Nadi pariksha, the typical ayurvedic examination, to diagnose the underlying cause of back pain. Depending on the cause, the treatment is initiated. The familiar ayurvedic treatments for back pain are Abhyanga, Kadi Vashti, Pizhichil, kizhi, Sneha Bhashti, Kashaya Bhashti etc. Panchakarma, which is a combination of five therapeutic modalities, Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Vasthi, Raktha moksha is also a renowned treatment for spinal pain. Of these, the Vasthi( kashaya vasti and thaila vasthi) in Panchakarma are specifically taken for progressive diseases like intro vertebral disc prolapse, spondylitis etc. and are said to terminate the progression of such diseases. Vasthi is carried out for a period of 8 to 15 days depending on the disease type.

Kadi Vasthi

Kadi Vasthi is a unique herbal treatment for spinal related issues like lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, intervertebral disc prolapse etc. A specially prepared warm oil is allowed to hold over the lower back within an herbal paste boundary. The oil is held for about 30 – 40 minutes. This treatment helps in relieving chronic back pain and aids in maintaining the spinal curves. This is considered to be the most effective ayurvedic treatment for spinal problems.

Stroke and its types

Stroke is a medical condition which occurs due to the interruption of blood to the brain cells. It prevents the flow of oxygen and necessary nutrients to the brain. Stroke is a critical medical condition which requires immediate attention as it may lead to the death of brain cells. Stroke affecting part of the brain can cause temporary and permanent disabilities like, pain, paralysis, difficulty talking and swallowing, memory loss, emotional problems etc.

There are two main causes for a stroke to happen: a blocked artery or a leaking or rupture of a blood vessel. Based on this, stroke is classified to 3 types:

  1. Ischemic stroke – this type of stroke occurs when the blood vessels to the brain are narrowed or blocked allowing little or no oxygen to pass through. This is the most common type of stroke. Blood vessels are narrowed or blocked by the fat deposits or by blood clots.
  2. Hemorrhagic stroke – this type of stroke occurs when the blood vessels in the brain leaks or ruptures. This may happen due to various underlying health conditions like uncontrolled blood pressure, over usage of blood thinners, trauma, bulges at the blood vessels, protein deposits in the blood vessel walls etc.
  3. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) – this type of stroke occurs when there is a temporary reduction in the oxygen supply and lasts only for a few minutes. This does not usually cause any major physical disabilities.
Stroke Rehabilitation with Ayurveda

Stroke rehabilitation helps to regain the skills lost due to the effect of stroke and recover to normal lifestyle. Ayurveda offers the best treatment for stroke rehabilitations. Stroke is named as Pakshagadha in Ayurveda. The primary aim of stroke rehabilitation is to retain the motor and sensory functions of the brain. In Ayurveda, the treatment for stroke depends on the level of disabilities. With Ayurveda, the intake of medicines helps boost the blood supply to the brain there by oxygenating the brain cells. The external therapies like panchakarma rejuvenates the functioning of the peripheral nervous system along with maintaining the muscle tone thereby reducing the muscle stiffness. Some of the stroke rehabilitation treatments in Ayurveda are Snehana, Pinda Swedana, Kayaseka, Vasthi, Virechana, Nasya etc.

Being an ancient medical method, Ayurveda has proved its strength of recovery over years. Ayurveda not only assures complete cure to the health issue but also a better life thereafter.

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