Sree Rudra Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital

How Climate Change is Heightening the Spread of Disease

The effect of climatic conditions on epidemics is a long-standing knowledge humans have acquired over the period of time even before the role of infectious agents was discovered. Throughout history, we can see references to holiday homes in faraway places for rulers or people of power that helped isolate them from the rest of the world during its vulnerable period. Like Roman aristocrats using hill resorts in the summer to escape Malaria. Among the many infectious agents are – bacteria, virus, protozoa, and parasites. 


Transmission Cycle of infectious diseases

Over the decade, it is noticed that the rate of infectious diseases that originate from animals have doubled. The role climatic changes have played in this cannot be unseen. Along with that, deforestation and over commercialization that have wrecked the ecosystem and natural balance have brought people and those in the wild closer than they ever have been, resulting in the rising rates of infectious diseases among humans. Climatic changes, especially global warming, have made changes to biodiversity and the way species are forced to make changes in their habits. When their current habitat is no longer suitable, they adapt themselves to another region and thus affect the ecosystem of both the areas. 

When the animals confined to the wild start coexisting with humans and other animals in the open, the infectious agents that they carry within them too are exposed. Insects like mosquitoes and ticks carry those agents from the wild into the human blood. There starts the breakout of another infectious disease which humans might never have encountered. 

Climate change and its impact on animals

Climatic changes can directly be linked to the waning number of migratory birds and its diversity which helped balance the ecosystem. With seasonal migratory birds decline, locusts and other insects have flourished thus creating an imbalance in the ecosystem. Predatory or big animals also play a huge role in ping the insect population in check. With poachers and hunters recklessly harming big animals, their population out in the wild have declined to an extent where rodents and other small animals have doubled in count. These small animals freely adapt themselves among humans by finding nests in hollows and empty spaces, finds food from the garbage and most importantly are carriers of many types of bacteria and virus which upon reaching humans can be quite infectious. Recent examples being the Nipah Virus and Covid-19 that studies have shown originated from wild bats. 

Need of the Hour

With extensive studies, we have come to the conclusion that, with the changes that are happening to Earth’s climate, the need to focus more on improving our immunity has become vital than it ever were. The basic immune system that we are born with is quite weak. It gets naturally strong over the years upon encountering various microbes and fighting against it. Our ancestors clearly had a better immune system as it was naturally developed, by them being constantly in touch with nature, thereby encountering various microbes that helped the body put up a fight against. Over the years, humans have become so distant from nature which eventually led to decrease in their immune system. With the immense progress in medical science, humans were bestowed with the knowledge of microbes which helps boost the human immune system. Hence we have started depending on supplements as immunity boosters, whereas our ancestors had naturally developed their immunity with their lifestyle.  

Ayurveda and Immunity

In Ayurveda, the concept of immunity is spread across multiple topics. Ayurveda classifies human immunity as Bala, Vyadhi Kshamatha and Ojas. Bala is based on overall balance of body functions and how well a body can manage itself to recuperate from an illness. Vyadhi Kshamatha describes the ability of human body to prevent itself from getting affected by external pathogens, or simply put – our immune system and its ability to recover. 

Ayurvedic approach to any illness is going to the root of an issue and trying to resolve it from down under, rather than treating the symptoms. When it comes to immunity, there are certain factors that Ayurveda suggests that can help improve it, which includes :

  • A well balanced diet
  • Periodic Detox plans like fasting
  • Regular exercises and meditation including Yoga
  • Inclusion of a variety of spices in everyday diet
  • Consumption of herbal decoctions
  • Ayurvedic treatments like Pizhichil and Kizhi


Here are a few Ayurveda remedies that can be made of part of our daily diet which helps improve our body functions reasonably.

  • Kick start the day with a hot Ginger tea with Tulsi and Pippali. These have known benefits of strengthening and cleansing upper respiratory tracts
  • Include black pepper and turmeric in daily diet. It helps improve immunity and reduce toxins in our body.
  • Cut back on red meat and any kind of processed meat including sausages, ham, nuggets etc.
  • Include a small amount of fresh Amla juice in your diet.
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Drink sufficient amounts of warm water throughout the day.

Amidst the current Covid-19 situation, we have all come to the hard realization of how important human immunity is. More than a few people have made Ayurveda remedies their way of life to bring about positive impact in their overall wellness. At our Ayurveda wellness centre Kerala, our experienced doctors analyze each person for their body functions and immunity response and in turn suggest an appropriate ayurveda treatment for immunity power, on following which a remarkable improvement in one’s total body function can be felt. 


While fighting an immunogenic disease, the treatment will differ with each person as the immune system of no two people will be similar. Hence an ayurveda treatment for immunity power can help improve one’s immune system and thereby help the body in fighting whatever pathogens causing the immune system to crash.

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