Sree Rudra Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital

Depression in Women after giving Birth (Postpartum Depression)

Postpartum Depression
In general terms, depression is when a person has a sustained feeling of sadness and have no interest in activities. There is no specific definition for symptoms of depression, it may range from relatively minor to severe and can be caused by a blend of biological, physiological and social causes that caused it. A mother goes through a myriad of emotions on the road to giving birth to a child. A new mother has to face a lot of challenges in getting used to dealing with her life with a newborn. The sudden changes that happen in one’s life including lack of sleep, nursing pain or even the responsibility of taking care of a newborn are difficult. Most new mothers experience what is generally called ‘Baby blues’, including mood swings, anxiety, difficulty in getting sleep or even crying spells, which goes away in a few weeks. A more severe, long-lasting form of depression experienced by some new mothers are called postpartum depression. Usually during the first 3 weeks after giving birth, new mothers will start to feel its effects. Prompt treatment can help a new mother with postpartum depression to help manage the symptoms and bond with the child.

Causes of Postpartum Depression

History of Depression – In a case where there is a history of depression running in the family or the new mother have had depression before, the chances of having postpartum depression is most likely.

Hormones – The level of hormones goes through a roller coaster ride during pregnancy and childbirth as it goes up while pregnant and suddenly drops after childbirth. The quick change in the level of hormones can be the trigger for depression in women.

Stress – Stress resulting from family issues, financial struggles or any other sources of stress can also be a trigger for postpartum depression. In case if it was an unwanted pregnancy or an unsupporting partner/family, the mother will be stressed to the point that she goes into depression.


Being a psychological issue, no two cases of postpartum depression will be similar. Symptoms differ from person to person depending on a number of factors. But there are few common things to keep an eye out on :

● Severe mood Swings
● Excessive crying spells
● Unable to bond with the baby
● Loss of interest in food or Binge eating
● Insomnia or Getting too much sleep
● Feeling fatigued all the time
● Panic Attacks / Anxiety
● Feeling Hopeless and worthless
● Severe Anger or irritability
● Trouble focusing or remembering
● Suicidal thoughts

When to get help?

Getting diagnosed is the first step to curing any disease and postpartum depression is no different. If you have the feeling of depression after a baby’s birth, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor and get help at the earliest. Things to keep in mind :

● If the signs of depression don’t fade after two weeks.
● Symptoms are getting out of hand
● Unable to care for the baby
● Overly fatigued
● Suicidal thoughts

If any of the symptoms persist, get immediate help. If the diagnosis turns out to point towards Postpartum depression, there are treatments that can be taken.

Medication – Antidepressants help balance one’s emotions and mood by managing chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters, that manages those. The medicines take effect gradually and help reduce the symptoms of depression and assists the person in getting back to their normal state of mind. In Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynaecological Issues, herbal decoctions that help improve mental health and alleviate psychological distraught is initiated which not only help with emotional wellbeing by nourishing the body as well.

Counseling – Getting to talk to a therapist or your doctor can help a lot. Come up with ways to recognize your mood swings and deal with them in a better manner.

Exercise – Regular exercise helps improve brain function which in turn helps make one feel better.

Setting Goals – Setting simple goals and meeting them on a daily basis also helps engage the brain and improve its functions.

Devising a treatment plan for Gynaecological issues using Ayurveda

ayurveda remedy

Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynaecological Issues, are described under ‘Yonivyapad’. This includes hormonal imbalances and resulting disorders, Menstrual disorders and many more.

1. First, the doctors at our Ayurveda Hospital analyze the history of the patient, body type, lifestyle, diet patterns along with any test results that they have to understand the root cause of the problem.
2. Depending on these factors, an appropriate treatment plan will be conceived taking into account the overall wellness of the person getting the treatment.
3. After the consultation, we start the Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynaecological Issues, by administering simple herb decoctions and move on to other treatment plans like Uttara Vasti, Yoni Prakshalanam, etc as required as we progress.
4. During the period of getting treatment at our Ayurvedic Hospital, the patient needs to follow a very strict diet and modified lifestyle as recommended by our Doctors.

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